車前子殼 - 有機
車前子殼 - 有機
我們為您帶來營養豐富、美味可口的高品質洋車前子殼。本產品來自洋車前子種子(Plantago Ovata)的外層,原產於印度。有機洋車前子不含人工添加物和防腐劑。您可以將穀殼添加到早餐食品、烘焙食品和鹹味菜餚中。洋車前子殼是消化系統健康的關鍵因素。洋車前子殼富含良好的不溶性纖維。
使用方法: 冰沙、麥片、粥或優格都可以在上面撒上車前子殼。冷卻後,將一茶匙洋車前子與花草茶或一杯水一起服用。能量球和切片等生食以車前草為主要成分。此外,您還可以用車前子烘烤鬆餅、餅乾和麵包。車前子中的纖維也可以添加到湯和火鍋中,使其變得更濃稠。
成分: 有機車前子殼
過敏原: 麩質,可能含有微量過敏原。
保存期限: 如果依照儲存說明儲存,最長可達 12 個月。始終在約會前查看最佳效果。
儲存: 將有機車前子殼儲存在密封容器中。將儲存容器置於陰涼、乾燥處,並防止陽光照射。如果您居住在溫暖的地區,請將產品冷藏。
營養資訊/100G | |
活力 | 772千焦耳 |
蛋白質 | 1克 |
脂肪總量(飽和) | <1.0 克(<0.1 克) |
總碳水化合物(糖) | 3克(<1.0克) |
鈉 | 120毫克 |
原產國:印度 |
Ingredients: Organic Psyllium Husk
Allergens: Gluten, May contain traces of allergens.
Country of Origin: India
🧋Psyllium husks are incredibly versatile! Sprinkle them over smoothies, cereal, porridge, or yogurt for an easy fiber boost.
☕ You can also mix a teaspoon of psyllium into herbal tea or a glass of water once it has cooled. They’re a fantastic addition to raw treats like energy balls and slices, acting as a key ingredient for texture and nutrition.
🧁 When baking, try adding psyllium to muffins, biscuits, or bread for extra fiber. You can even stir it into soups and hotpots to naturally thicken them while enhancing their nutritional value.
🧽🌱 Homemade Natural Cleaning Scrubber
• 2 tablespoons psyllium husks
• 1 cup water
• Coconut coir, natural fibers, or loofah (cut to desired size)
• A mold (like a small container or silicone shape)
• Optional: biodegradable thread for extra binding
1. Prepare the Gel:
Mix 2 tablespoons of psyllium husks with 1 cup of water in a bowl. Let the mixture sit for 10–15 minutes until it forms a thick, gel-like consistency.
2. Combine with Fibers:
Add the coconut coir or natural fibers to the psyllium gel. Mix thoroughly so the fibers are evenly coated and the gel acts as a binder.
3. Shape the Scrubber:
Place the mixture into your mold, pressing it down firmly to create a compact shape. Smooth the surface with a spoon or your hands.
4. Dry the Scrubber:
Leave the scrubber to dry in a warm, well-ventilated area for 2–3 days. For faster results, you can place it in a low-temperature oven (50°C/122°F) or a dehydrator for several hours until completely dry.
5. Reinforce (Optional):
For added durability, you can sew the edges with biodegradable thread to prevent fraying during use.
6. Use and Compost:
Once dry, the scrubber is ready to use for cleaning. When worn out, compost it to return the materials to nature.
This simple process creates a biodegradable, eco-friendly scrubber that reduces plastic waste and supports sustainable living! 🌿✨
FAT TOTAL (SATURATED) 1.0 g (0.1 g)
CARBS TOTAL (SUGARS) 3 g (1.0 g)
SODIUM 120mg
Shelf Life: Up to 12 months if stored as per storage instructions. Always see best before date.
Storage: Store Organic Psyllium Husk in an airtight container. Keep the storage container in a cool, dry place and prevent sunlight exposure. Refrigerate the product if you live in a warm area.